Bihar Talent Search Examination is a diagnostic test which will test the overall learning and educational intrest of the students of Bihar. Bihar Talent Search Examination is being organised by International Institutional Organisation and Co-Organised by Everain Global Services with the support of Tarumitra-Friends of Trees, School Of Creative Learning.
The school students from class 3 to class 12 are eligible to take Bihar Talent Search Examination 2018. The questions would be mainly from Mathematics and Science.
The Mission behind BTSE is to promote Goal 4 of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals i.e Quality Education at grassroot level.
The Date of Examination will be January 28th, 2018 and Result will be published on 7th February, 2018.
Each participants will be given participation Certificates as well as Evaluation Report card which will help them to analyse their weakness and strength.
Top three students from each district will be given Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals. They will further be invited at School of Creative Learning and Tarumitra Ashram for workshop on practical understanding of subjects. The students who will show outstanding performance at workshop will be awarded with cash prize too.
The Registration fees for each student from class 3 to class 12 is Rs.150 only.
Last date for online application is January 25th, 2018.