Bestech Park View Ananda Virtual 15 Days Step Challenge Walkathon/Run | Event in GURUGRAM | Townscript
Bestech Park View Ananda Virtual 15 Days Step Challenge Walkathon/Run | Event in GURUGRAM | Townscript

Bestech Park View Ananda Virtual 15 Days Step Challenge Walkathon/Run

Sep 13 - 30 '20 | 12:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

Dear Ananda Residents 

This is for all of us who lives here in Bestech ParkView Ananda.

It is a great honor to organize this event for us so that we can choose fit over slim or Stamina over tough workout. In addition, an attempt to recover from Work from Home as few of our plan and us not able to exercise much but the Step challenge_15 days will ultimately help us grow up our stamina. Aim is to take us from walking to running long distances. 

This event is free for registration just need to follow plan. 

Here is the table for your Step challenge for 15 Days starting from 13th Sep'20 till 30th Sep'20 with 03 Rest Days, if want to opt rest days. So to complete this challenge, Walk/Run to complete minimum steps mentioned in table. Maximum Steps no limit, up to you & Share the screen shot at the end of the day with number of Steps finished.

You may use any gadget to measure Steps, Mobile/Watch/or any other device.

There is liberty also to choose any day of the week for Rest again if want to opt. Need to complete 15 days as per steps mentioned. 

 Minimum Number of Steps per Day:

13-Sep-20 Sunday 4000 

14-Sep-20 Monday 4000

15-Sep-20 Tuesday 5000

16-Sep-20 Wednesday Rest

17-Sep-20 Thursday 5000

18-Sep-20 Friday 6000

19-Sep-20 Saturday 6000

20-Sep-20 Sunday 8000

21-Sep-20 Monday 7000

22-Sep-20 Tuesday 5000

23-Sep-20 Wednesday Rest

24-Sep-20 Thursday 7000

25-Sep-20 Friday 8000

26-Sep-20 Saturday 9000

27-Sep-20 Sunday 10000

28-Sep-20 Monday Rest

29-Sep-20 Tuesday 8000

30-Sep-20 Wednesday 10000

You may reach Vishal @8587800995/ or Ankur @99534 23000 for any query.

Wear Mask, No mask No Run, wear Helmet while riding Bike/Scooter/Cycle or else. Wear seat belt. These instructions are for our Safety only.

Note: Request you to all please follow social distancing guidelines set by Govt authorities/our RWA/ Our Maintenance Team. This challenge can be done in your own house/balcony or anywhere else. No Start Point or finish point. Kindly consult with your Physician/Doctors too if any health issue. This event to promote health.

This event can be end at any time if any issue found against any policy & not responsible for any personal loss/damage of any kind.


Bestech Park View Ananda Sector 81, Gurgaon
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Joined on Mar 21, 2018
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