AVG Antivirus License Key | Event in NA | Townscript
AVG Antivirus License Key | Event in NA | Townscript

AVG Antivirus License Key

Feb 27'23 - Sep 28'30 | 01:00 AM (IST)
Online Event

Event Information

What is a macro virus?

With malware like ransomware, spyware, supercomputer worms, and certain Trojan horses attacking our solitude and fiscal security, bequest threats like viruses have taken a backseat for a few causes. For one, whilst viruses can be disparaging to our data, they can’t seize our PCs for ransom or spy on us. On the other, your OS’s baked-in safety software can prevent most viruses with signature-detection equipment. Macro viruses insert their code into the macros linked with the documentation, spreadsheets, and extra data files. The first macro virus appeared in July 1995 and macro viruses then became the leading sort of virus till the twirl of the century, when Microsoft disabled macros by evasion in Office): since then, cybercriminals have had to attempt and hoax their victims into enabling the macros previous to their tainted macro is capable to run.

Types of macro viruses

Macro viruses can be found in numerous diverse forms. Though some people deem them to be an artifact of the 1990s, they have in fact made a renaissance in the current years, forcing the users to be extra observant.

Concept Virus

The concept was the first macro virus, appearing in July 1995 and embattled Microsoft Word. Macro viruses afterward became the leading category of the virus.

Melissa Virus

Melissa made the past as the macro virus with email maggot trait and initiated spreading through email on March 26, 1999, infecting a lot in hours. It was one of the stern epidemics in Internet history.

Read more - https://antiviruslicensekey.co.uk/product-category/avg-antivirus/


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Krishna Jaiswal
Joined on Feb 20, 2023
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