Art 3.0 - Acquire Web3 Rights to Top Contemporary Artworks | Event in Mumbai | Townscript
Art 3.0 - Acquire Web3 Rights to Top Contemporary Artworks | Event in Mumbai | Townscript

Art 3.0 - Acquire Web3 Rights to Top Contemporary Artworks

Feb 21 '23 | 03:30 PM (IST)

Event Information

What is the event all about

While Web3 assets such as NFTs and Metaverse are globally opening up newer monetization and engagement opportunities for artists and fans, there is still a lot of awareness and implementation gap – especially in markets like India. – which is the world’s first Content Licensing Platform for Web3 applications, is joining hands with Anthelion Arts School and Dolna – to bring together India’s first-ever offline auction for Web3 rights of some leading artists and their artworks. Enchristened as ART 3.0 – this event endeavors to bring some international & national artists as well as Web3 aficionados, professionals and NFT Minters, together – to together acquire the rights of their art works and flip them over for creating better value-yielding Web3 assets.

What will the Artists be selling at ART 3.0?

As opposed to just general NFTs, that so far have been the practice – at ART 3.0 – Artists will actually be selling the ‘Web3 Rights’ of their art works. 

What are Web3 Rights?

These are the rights, and associated Content IP Rights, that artists sell/auction to potential buyers, enabling them to:

  1. Mint NFTs of the digital representation of said art work for non-commercial and commercial purposes;
  2. Work on derivatives/adaptations of the original digital art work – to mint multiple NFTs
  3. Further sell the rights to install said artworks in other evolving Web3 formats – which could be metaverses, games, AR/VR environments and others;
  4. Bundle the said Web3 rights with additional evolving non-financial and financial utilities – and thus build demand for the said Web3 assets amongst potential fans/end buyers

What are the proposed NFT Utilities that will be linked to the Web3 Rights?

Some of the proposed NFT utilities that FANDORA would be enabling for the participating Artists and Web3 Rights Buyers are as follows:

  1. Right to have token-gated access to the concerned artist and have access to exclusive 30/45 minutes of his time for learning all about his art;
  2. Right to get a signed digital reprint of the said art (limited to 2);
  3. 5% of proceeds of actual art sale to be distributed all approved Web3 asset holders (to be provided at the end of the duration of the Web3 rights period and/or when the art actually gets sold, whichever is later)
  4. Right to get social media mention by the concerned artist
  5. Right to preview his upcoming art;
  6. Right to attend two of his next art exhibitions and guided tours by the artist of the same


3:00 – 3:30 PMRegistrations and Networking Tea
3:30 – 3:40 PMOpening speech by Mr. Dipayan Banerjee on IAC 2023
3:40 – 3:50 PMIntroduction to Fandora by Mr. Satish Kataria
3:50 PM – 4:00 PM Opening Address by Utpal Chakraborty
Utpal is a renowned Data Scientist, AI Researcher & Quantum Scientist. He was heading the Artificial Intelligence division at YES Bank and is the author of several books. He recently unveiled his latest book – Metaverse and Web3.0
4:00 PM – 4:10
A Global Perspective on Art and NFTs by Nanda Khiara
Currently based at UK, Nanda is a multi-disciplinary artist, story teller, NFT
Artist and a writer. The NFTs of her works have fetched strong demand on
leading NFT marketplaces and she has represented Art & NFTs at various
leading European exhibitions.
4:10 PM – 4:20
How Art & NFT can alter Indian Art Market by Hetal Shukla
Hetal’s installation ‘Crypto-Kala Caar’ at recently organized Kala Ghoda Art
Festival attracted millions of eye balls. Hetal has been working in the field of
art & installations since more than last 20 years and is currently promoting
and advocating the power of NFTs and Web3 in the world of Indian art.
4:20 – 4:30 PMIntroduction to the Artworks for Auction & Auction Process by Mr. Satish

4:30 PM – 5:30

The Web3 Rights Auction by participating artists.
Some of the participating artists include:

Nanda Khiara: A leading Indian-European Artist with presence across various
art formats;

Hetal Shukla: More than 20 years of exemplary art experience – including
some awe-inspiring installations and corporate arts;

Manjri Varde: Owner of AumChakra and resident of Goa, Manjri has been
painting across various art formats and even has a patent for a font that she
has developed;

Ashish Mondal: A leading artist with over 2 decades of experience, Ashish
hails from Kolkata and has participated in several national and international

Anjan Bhattacharya: Selected twice for ‘Bangla Sammelan’ in USA and
participant at multiple leading exhibitions, Anjan is also an Art Director an
‘Aramva’ magazine and judge at Nehru’s Children Museum;

Debadeep Ghosh: Debadeep has been painting actively for last 15 years and
has lovingly captured various facets of human emotions and ornaments;

Rajib Sur Roy: With more than 30 years plus of experience, Rajib’s works
have found audience both alike national and global audience and corporates;

Other Selected Artworks – One by one. Max 15-20 selected artworks goes on

live auction. Rest selected artworks shall later be put up for online auctions.

5:30 PMEvent concludes with thanksgiving by Ms. Mithu Basu, founder Dolna, the movement.

Come and Bid for your Favourite Artwork's Web3 Rights!


The Bombay Art Society
KC Marg, Reclamation, Bandra West, Mumbai, India
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World's First PreNFT / Web3 right content platform to empower creators of the future!
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