This course will guide you (step by step) to build a full business Android app from login screen to the payment screen
But at first, It will teach you Kotlin programming language from scratch, then you will learn how to create web services using PHP. Next you will learn how to use Kotlin in android app development
This course has many reach topics like Volley, Picasso and Recycler View
It's divided into five sections:
Kotlin Basics
Android app development using Kotlin
Build the full project
Bonus Videos
This course is useful for IT Developers, Students or any interested person in the mobile and web development field
Basic knowledge
Basic knowledge of programming
Basic knowledge of Database
What will you learn
Understand Kotlin Programming Language from Scratch
Implement OOP concepts in Kotlin
Create PHP web service connected to MySQL database
Create android app using Kotlin
Use Volley and Picasso libraries to get data from PHP web services
Implement Paypal SDK in Android app
Put All those skills in an E-Commerce app