September 1000 Km Challenge
August 1000 Km Challenge is the virtual Cycling Event.
Date: 01st September - 30th September 2023
Flyers with participant's Pic.
E-Certificates for finishers.
Trophy for participants.
Cycling Jersey for top 3 finishers.
Event Details
September 1000 Km Challenge - A one month event spread for whole month. You can cycle at any place and any time on the month i.e September 2023.
1.This is a Virtual Event.
2.You need to any distance daily to complete minimum 1000 Km in the month of September '23.
3.Participant need to cycle using any app or watch to record the activity and take the screen shot of the activity
4. Registered participants will get a link by email (UPLOAD YOUR RUNNING DATA ) wherein you are supposed to upload the screenshot of your activity.
5. Post event you will be given your participation E-Certificate.
6. Trophies will be couriered to the participant's address.
7. Cycling Jersey for top 3 finishers.
Duration of the event- 1st September - 30th September 2023 (1 Month)