September 200 Km Challenge
August 200 Km Challenge is the virtual Run/Walk/Jog event.
Date: 01st September- 30th September 2023
Flyers with participant's Pic.
E-Certificates for finishers.
Trophy for participants.
Running Shoes for top 3 finishers.
Event Details
September 200 Km Challenge - A one month event spread for whole month. You can run/walk/jog at any place and any time on the month i.e September 2023.
1. This is a Virtual Event.
2.You need to any distance daily to complete minimum 200 Km in the month of September '23.
3.Participant need to run/walk/jog using any app or watch to record the activity and take the screen shot of the activity
4. Registered participants will get a link by email (UPLOAD YOUR RUNNING DATA ) wherein you are supposed to upload the screenshot of your run.
5. Post event you will be given your participation E-Certificate.
6. Trophies will be couriered to the participant's address.
7. Running Shoes for top 3 finishers.
Duration of the event- 1st September - 30th September 2023 (1 Month)