Body Transformation Group
MIW # 18
(Virtual Challenge for Making the WORLD HEALTHIER & HAPPIER)
Participation Agreement
Thank you for your Interest in MIW SEASON 18
Through the Mission Ideal Weight, Herballife Independent Associates (also known as Coaches) are able to help participants work toward their weight-loss/gain goals and while improving their overall wellbeing. We want you to have a great time as you have fun and meet new friends at our IDEAL WEIGHT GROUP. Remember that any reasonable diet or weight management program includes exercise and sensible meals, and it's always a good idea to consult your primary physician before starting an exercise or weight-management program.
ELIGIBILITY - Only UNIVERSAL MEMBERS of KAYAPALAT and Preferred Members of Herbalife are allowed to participate in Mission Ideal Weight.
In return for your participation fee and upon signing this document:
- You will be eligible to attend weekly sessions where you will have the opportunity to receive Coaching & education and also to ask questions.
- You will be entitled to participate in MIW group
3. START DATE - This Mission Ideal Weight group begins on 7th Aug 2022
To BE Announced Later