HR26 - Triathlon 6th Edition 2024 | Event in Gurugram | Townscript
HR26 - Triathlon 6th Edition 2024 | Event in Gurugram | Townscript

HR26 - Triathlon 6th Edition 2024

Aug 04 '24 | 05:00 AM (IST)

Event Information

HR 26 Triathlon, Duathlon and Aquathlon 5th Edition

HR 26 is back with 6th Edition of HR 26 Triathlon
Date: August 4, Sunday.
Time: 5:00 AM
Venue: Deva Swimming Institute, Gymkhana Club sec 29, Gurgaon
Gurgaon's very own Triathlon is HERE again: Swim, bike and run one after the other. There are distance categories suitable for all be it a novice swimmer or an expert. Safe and secure conditions for swimming, cycling and running. 
If Cycling is not your thing then you may choose only to Swim and Run in our Aquathlon
If swimming is not your thing then enjoy our Cycling Duathlon distances aiming at fun of bike and run one after the other.   

** Transition time will be included in the overall time taken by an athelete
** Non – Adherence to any of the rules will straight away lead to disqualification and competitor have to leave the race immediately as advised by the marshals -NO Questions Asked!

Race Categories 

Race Category DescriptionCut Off Time
HR 26  Triathlon      

 Olympic            1.5 km Swim + 40 km Bike +10 km Run1.5 hrs Swim. 5 hrs overall.             
Sprint  750 mtrs Swim + 20 km Bike + 5 km Run                           45 min Swim. 3.5 hrs overall.
Super                200 mtrs Swim + 40 km Bike +10 km Run4.5 hrs overall
HR 26 Duathlon

Olympic     5 km Run + 40 km Bike +10 km Run5 hrs overall
Sprint2.5 km Run + 20 km Bike + 5 km Run3 hrs overall

HR 26 Aquathlon

Olympic1500mtrs swim  + 10km Run1.5hrs swim, 3 hrs overall
Sprint750mtrs swim  + 5km Run45 mins swim, 2 hrs overall

Prerequisite: All Participants must be 15yrs of age or above. All participants are required to attain a Fitness Certificate (Form will be sent to you upon registration) signed by a Medical practitioner scan and send it to by 30th July 2024  or your application stands cancelled. 

Disclaimer (applicable to Triathlon categories): If the swimming pools are not permitted to be operational due to pandemic/Covid 19, a participant can either change his/her race category to duathlon(in this case fees will be adjusted to the corresponding category chosen of duathlon) or ask for a partial refund (Rs1000/- deducted for merchandise cost). The said rule of partial refund is applied to only Triathlon categories and that too in case of swimming pool not permitted to be operational by government authorities.

Prizes: Trophies only for overall 1st 2nd & 3rd position winners in male and female category. Age category wise rankings will be shared on timing website only for self assessment.

Swimming Instructions: (Follow strictly)
1. Swim Bib to be worn around the ankle/wrist, NOT TO BE removed until asked by the timing team.
2. Shower before you get into the pool.
3. Tri suits, swimsuits, cycling shorts, Tri athlete tops all welcome! You may swim bare top.
4. Swim cap + goggles to be worn by all - it’s mandatory!
5. Each lane will have 4-6 people , swim in your lane and ensure you don’t bang
into others.
6. Maintain the same stroke (freestyle or breast stroke) for the entire length of the pool. You may switch strokes “only” once you have reached the end and tapped “the wall” to indicate you are done with that length! This is important for you to understand else you will be disqualified! No questions asked..!
7. Marshal’s are stationed to count the total number of laps you are doing. If you do not “Tap the wall” , that length will not be counted towards your distance in the pool and you will have to do that length again.
8. Starting from one end of the pool tapping on the other end and returning back to the start point will be counted as one loop.
9. For people who feel the need to catch a breath during a length, or stand in their lane if they feel exhausted , please stick closest to the end point and not the divider(divider cannot stand your weight), so as not to come in the way of the swimmers in your lane….don’t hog space in the pool!
10. There are no separate transition times, it is included in your race time.
11. If you cannot hoist yourselves out of the pool yourself or with a helping hand from our designated marshals, then use the ladder on either side of the pool but do not interrupt any other swimmer.
12. You will be entering the pool in your designated lane from your right side and will stick to right side of the lane only when you reach end of the length you will tap on the top and take a U-turn to be again on your right side of the lane. The turn will be Anti-clockwise always to avoid collisions, it is important we all follow this basic rule to avoid banging into each other.
13. Respect your swimming partner’s space- they are sharing your lane!
14. Marshalls hold the authority of final count of laps and that’s it! In case you have doubts raise your concern with Swim Director/Race director, any misbehavior or shouting to a marshal will lead to disqualification without a question.
15. No flipping, No spitting, No urinating in the pool
16. Medical certificate submission is mandatory to enter the event.
Guidelines for Swimming
1. You must carry- towels, socks, shoes, cycling helmet, sunglasses, small snack (dry fruit, banana, energy gel). Women who do not have a triathlete suit for the event may wear their sports bras under their swim suits to make transition times flawless.
2. Remember to have fun and train hard!
Cycling Instructions:
● The cycling route will NOT have any official closures, so you will be riding in open traffic and need to be watchful.
● There would be volunteers at intersections and merging roads.
● All competitors will be required to wear STANDARDS APPROVED HELMET throughout the bike course.
● Helmet straps must be fastened at all times when the bicycle is in motion i.e. being ridden or walked. In the event of a breakdown on the cycle course, the helmet must remain on and securely fastened.
● All cyclist are expected to repair / mend any malfunction to their bicycle/ tyre. No external help will be extended or allowed under any circumstance.
● A space of four bike lengths must be left between all riders at all times. While overtaking ensure you are on the right side and maintain safe distance from the fellow racer. Use hand signals when you want to stop or if you see any obstructions on the road to caution the cyclist behind you.
● Competitors are individually responsible for following traffic laws under the Motor Vehicles Act or any other law which is applicable to cyclists and pedestrians and they are solely responsible for the consequences of any infringements.
● Competitors must obey the instructions of course marshal’s and volunteers at
all times.
● No Participant is supposed to point out or question fellow participants for any non-adherence, our route marshals will monitor and ensure that all rules of the race are followed, it will be Race Directors call to take any action against non-adherence.
● There will be either markings or marshal at all major turns, please follow their instructions. In case, you miss a turn or get confused reach out to nearest support station or marshal and get back on the track asap.
● Total race time will not be adjusted if you loose track of the official route due to any reason.
Running Instructions:
● No form of locomotion other than running or walking is allowed – no exceptions!
● No individual support vehicles or escort runners or pacers are allowed.
● Runners are expected to follow the directions of all course marshals, volunteers and race officials.
● There will be either markings or marshal at all major turns, please follow their instructions. In case, you miss a turn or get confused reach out to nearest support station or marshal and get back on the track asap.
● Total race time will not be adjusted if you loose track of the official route due to any reason.
Additional Triathlon/Duathlon Instructions
1. Swim Bib to be worn around the wrist till you cross the swimming timing mat after your swim finish.
2. Cycling bib to be fastened in front of the bike clearly visible from front.
3. Running bib mandatory to be worn while you run.
4. Transition time is included in overall triathlon time.
5. Transition time T1 is included in swim time and transition time T2 is included in total cycle time.
Transition Guidelines
● There are 2 sections: Swimming Area(Swimming pool/changing area) and Bike Holding Area(Where cycles would be stationed)
● Transition from Swim to Cycling/Running: Transition area is changing rooms next to swimming pool and are different for men and women. You can keep your change of clothes which you will be wearing after swim outside washroom in swimming pool area. Helmets/Cycling shoes/Running Shoes/Goggles/Water sippers etc can be kept near your cycle.
● Transition from Cycling to Running : Those who wish to use covered area to change clothes after cycling may use the washrooms near swim section. Running shoes/Goggles anything else you might need during running should be kept in bike holding area.
● Washrooms are in the swimming pool area.
● Once the race starts, only participants are allowed to enter the bike compound and swim area during transition.
● Make a mental note of your placement in the bike compound so you can easily find your correct position. No flags, signs or tape can be used to identify a competitor’s bike rack as it provides an unfair advantage over other competitors.
● Each participant is ultimately responsible for his or her own gear.
● Helmets must be fastened prior to un-racking your bike and must remain fastened until the bike has been racked following the cycle leg. Any breach of this rule may incur a time penalty.
● Do not disturb, move, sabotage or meddle with any other competitor’s equipment, accessories or bicycle.
Advice of Penalties
Race Director reserves the right to disqualify any participant or stop from continuing the race on grounds of misbehavior.
Penalty box infractions:
● Drafting + 30 Mins
● Blocking + 30 Mins
● Illegal passing + 15 Mins
● Unfastened helmet + 15 Mins
● Pulling back in the swim + 10 Mins
● Early start or turn on the swim + 20 Mins
** Non – Adherence to any of the rules will straight away lead to disqualification and participant will have to leave the race immediately as advised by the marshals -NO Questions Asked!

• I agree that I am entering the event at my own risk and take full responsibility for my safety and actions during the event. By joining the event, if any harm, injury, loss, liability or damage is caused to me or my property, I or/and my family or my representatives will not hold "TGR Fitness & Events" company or HR 26 Triathlon organizers responsible for the same.
• By entering the event, participant waives and discharges from any and all liability for death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft and all other foreseeable risks, claims or actions of any kind including negligence which may arise at any time as a result of their participation in the event.
• I understand that I should not compete, participate in this event unless I have trained appropriately, gaining necessary skills and my physical fitness has been verified by a medical practitioner to a standard capable to sustain the expected physical and mental stress.
• I consent to receiving any medical treatment including ambulance transportation that the event organizers think desirable during or after the event. I agree to bear the costs or expenses incurred in providing medical treatment in any unforeseen incident.
• I accept the safety precautions undertaken by organizers (such as course supervision, race safety briefings, and bicycle, helmet safety checks) are a service to me and other competitors, participant but are not a guarantee of safety.
• I am responsible for my personal insurance.
• Venue of the event can be changed due to any unavoidable circumstances as found suitable by the organizers.
• I am fully responsible for the security of my personal belongings at the event including my bike and other valuable items within the race transition area. The event organizers will not be responsible or liable for the repair or replacement of any personal possessions whether lost, stolen or damaged.
• I agree that if the event is disturbed due to storm, rain, inclement weather, winds, safety concerns, terrorism, war or other ‘act of God’ on the day of event, my participation fee shall be non-refundable.
• I accept if the event is rescheduled to a new date for any reason mentioned by the event organizers, all entries received prior to the rescheduling of the event will automatically be transferred to the new date.
• I accept that if a minimum number of participants do not enter a specific event or race category, event organizers have the right to cancel the event and provide refund to participants excluding any taxes, processing or government fees.
• I consent to event organizers adding my email address & phone numbers to the database and agree to receive event notifications, newsletters and reminder emails.
• I further waive any claim for compensation of any kind, if the event organizers use my photographs in any publication, media or for event promotion.
• I acknowledge and consent to the event organizers providing my personal details (limited to race number, full name and email address) to the official event photographer.
• I consent to event organizers that if I am filmed, recorded on any media of whatever nature. The name appearance photographs can be used for the purpose of promoting the event and to the commercial rights related to the event by organizers.

Refund Policy
I understand that HR 26 Triathlon has a no refund & no transfer policy.


Deva Swimming Institute
Gymkhana Club, sector 29, Gurugram, India
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TGR Fitness & Events
Joined on Mar 6, 2018
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