Sportzify in association with KNS and Decathlon brings you a running event which is driven by women runners of Bangalore. It's a regular monthly event on every 3rd sunday.
A loud call to all the men and women runner to come and join the fun and be a part of this amazing group of passionate runners.
- Prizes (Merchandises) from Decathlon for top 3 women runners of each group
- Finisher certificate and medals for all the participants including both men & women
Other Details:
- Free T shirts for all
- Bib distribution will start at 5:30 AM
- Zumba Warm up session starts at 6:00 AM
- Run starts at 6:30AM from the Decathlon Sarjapur entrance gate.
- The run is followed by free breakfast
- Prize distribution at 8:00 AM onwards
- Runners can collect their medals and certificate just after completing the run from representatives inside the store
- Bags can be kept at the billing counter inside the store.