Top Secrets Manage Meeting for Leaders, Leadership Training | Event in NA | Townscript
 Top Secrets Manage Meeting for Leaders, Leadership Training | Event in NA | Townscript

Top Secrets Manage Meeting for Leaders, Leadership Training

May 11 '20 | 11:00 AM (MDT)
Online Event

Event Information

Most books, articles and courses on managing meetings ignore the fact that leaders, managers and facilitators of meetings have different roles. Thus, a course in managing meetings effectively needs to take those three roles into consideration. We do.
Briefly - the Leader has something to say.
The Manager wants interaction to lead to a specific end point - usually a solution. The facilitator is there to make sure process is followed. In this workshop we discuss how each of these three roles effects the manner in which meetings are designed and led.
We also discuss the techniques that are useful for different types of meetings, both live and virtual. Settings, time, expectations all differ depending on the goal of the meeting. We offer a comprehensive checklist to help in the preparation of meetings Types of meetings and how best to lead, manage or facilitate them is also discussed. The goal of this course is to enable you to go from "oh no, not another boring meeting" to "we get things done quickly and effectively in our meetings".
Why you should Attend
In this workshop we discuss how the roles of leaders, managers and facilitators affect the manner in which meetings are designed and led. We also discuss the techniques that are useful for different types of meetings, both live and visual.
Settings, time, expectations all differ depending on the goal of the meeting. We offer a comprehensive checklist to help in the preparation of meetings. Types of meetings, how to lead a meeting effectively, and managing and facilitating meetings are also discussed.
The goal of this course is to enable you to go from "oh no, not another boring meeting" to "we get things done quickly and effectively in our meetings."
Areas Covered in the Session
Leaders, Manager or Facilitator
Meeting Preparation
Types of Meetings
Some tips about people and meetings
Managing effective virtual meetings
Board of Directors Meetings
Building better meetings
It's about the people
Learning Objectives
Explore the different roles of leadership, management and facilitation of meetings
Discover that different timing and different agendas work for different types of meetings.
Recognize meeting process and how it differs in different types of meetings
Identify what you need (checklist) and how to effectively conduct your meetings
Who Will Benefit
Executive Directors
Presidents and all C-level executives, whether in the private, non-profit, religious or public sector

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